You might be a high-tech redneck if... Your e-mail address ends in "" Your laptop has a sticker that says, "Protected by Smith and Wesson." You've ever doubled the value of your truck by installing a cellular phone. You wire your network with jumper cables. Your wife said either she or the computer had to go, and you still don't miss her. You've ever used a CD-ROM as a coaster to set your drink on. Three Words: Daisy Duke Screensaver Your spell checker knows words like, "Y'all", "Yonder", and "Reckon." Your belt buckle is made from a dead 3.5" disk drive. Smith & Wesson...the original Point-N-Click interface. When you order your new pick-up truck with a gun rack and PCMCIA sockets. You only buy from GateWay, 'cause the cow-colored boxes are a hoot.