Problems in Democracy, #137 PROBLEM: People who go into a certain house get electrocuted. RESPONSES: Protestant: Urge people to resist temptation. Catholic: Fundraising memorial bingo night. TV Evangelist: Fundraising memorial faith-healing spa and electric theme park. Rock Star: Fundraising memorial mega-concert, profits to survivors ( $746 ). Local TV: Send Sky Cam, report incident as a toxic waste spill. MacNeil / Lehrer: 22-minute debate featuring a consumer advocate, a physicist, conservative senator, a black playwright and an ethicist. Tabloid: "Elvis Zaps Fans With Guitar!" Zoning Board: Table the issue--too busy approving new malls. School Board: Change curriculum to include alternative theories of electricity. Electrician: Have people always keep one hand in pocket. Engineer: Wire people 180 degrees out of phase with house current. Architect: Redesign interior of house to increase excitement in less risky spaces. H.M.O.: Authorize visit with nurse, but charge for doctor. Insurance Company: Retroactive policy exclusion for injuries exceeding 100,000 mi./sec. Lawyer: Sue maker of auto that was parked in garage at time of accident. Jury: Split liability between auto maker and tire company. Ross Perot: 1-800- Entrepreneur: 1-900- Immigration Service: Deport homeowner's babysitter. I.R.S.: Confiscate victims' savings accounts. B.A.T.&F.: Surround the neighborhood. F.B.I.: Protect the media by relocating them just outside Anchorage. President: Another reason for the energy tax. Congress: Another reason for Special Prosecutor. Pentagon: Another reason for more defense spending. CIA: Another reason to bomb Libya. Supreme Court: Permit states to regulate use of electrons in 3rd trimester abortions. Conservatives: Mandatory jail time for theft of power; reduce AIDS funding. Liberals: Redefine positive and negative as "assertive" and "receptive;" build swimming pools in 3 swing-vote states. David Daye ( 4/27/93